Now, I eat veggies on a regular basis...ok...I don't dread eating vegetables. I often find the shows on the Science, Discovery and Smithsonian Channels the most interesting things on TV. And I find myself researching almost constantly.
What do I research? Everything. Among other things, cars, electronics, and... armor.
With the armor comes a lot of history, culture and philosophy, in addition to the things you would expect to be associated with armor such as metallurgy, weapons and fighting styles. And lacing!
I love European and Asian medieval armor. But the armor of the Samurai really captures my imagination. The way they are traditionally displayed sitting with their anthropomorphized masks, they look like their own being.
Like they could stand up to greet you or to challenge you.
It's what inspires many of my armor designs. You can see some of my works here.
To that end, I'm about to embark on a research project to learn more about historical Samurai armor functionality and construction by building a ½ scale version of Date Masamune's armor from DeAgostini. I'll be posting a build diary to the ModelSpace USA forum. Link to my build diary soon.
Who was Date Masamune? For those who want to know more about him but don't trust the Wikipedia entries you can visit the Sendai Museum site. If anyone has better information about Date Masamune please share it in the comments below.
In the ModelSpace USA diary, I'll be focusing on the mechanics of the actual build. Pointing out things I did differently or observations about particular assembly steps.
I'll also do supplemental posts here in my blog. My posts here will focus on my thoughts about the traditional Samurai armor design and construction and how, what I've learned from this build, may influence my future armor designs.
Stay tuned.
Please feel free to leave any thoughts you have about my research project or let me know if you've ever done a build like this as a research project in the comments below. Thanks for stopping by.