The article reminded me of parallels to the general growth cycle of the 3D printing industry. I worked in that industry as it went through the cycle from a mainstream introduction to media hype to consumer disillusionment then consumer enlightenment. And eventually, 3D printing will find stability.
Keep in mind, when I refer to the 3D printing industry here, I use it in a general sense. There are many different 3D printing technologies, specialties and closely related fields that fall within the category of 3D printing. Some of these lie in a different phase of the cycle.
Similarly, Blockchain technology seems to currently be surrounded by a lot of hype but, like 3D printing, it is gaining mainstream acceptance with practical applications as indicated by the growing number of jobs with major institutions like Bank of America.
By looking at the parallels between theses two technologies, one can perhaps project a similar path to mainstream acceptance for blockchain technology.
As with 3D printing, a lot of the hype was just that, hype. It's not to say that 3D printing doesn't have practical value, but a good majority of people still believe 3D printing is more than it actually is.
Until that hype is dispelled, 3D printing will not reach it's full potential as people will implement the technology under false intentions leading to disappointing results.
Do I think that blockchain technology is over hyped? Yes and no. There are real practical applications for the technology in many industries with many other areas of application to be explored. Those who work in the blockchain field understand its real value. But, for the layman, many proceed with a fair level of misinformation and unjustified expectations good and bad.
Because it is largely without a tangible aspect, blockchain technology has a bigger uphill battle to gain acceptance than 3D printing.
As more and more people actually come into contact with the technology and grasp the reality of what it is and its true benefits and limitations, only then will the hype start to give way to real practical value.
Like 3D printing, blockchain technology has a future where it proves to be a true game changer. Although, the reality of how the game will change will probably not unfold the way many imagined it would based on the hype.
Please let me know your thoughts on the over hyping of technologies in the comments below.