Between my chronic fatigue and the pandemic, I ended up in a period of productive hibernation. But I spent the last couple of months dusting off the cobwebs preparing to get the creative wheels turning again.
However, I find myself dusting off the cobwebs in a different place. Not just mentally, but physically. I no longer reside in Hawaii...
After my trip to Washington state and appearance at the Kauai Comic Convention in 2019, the chronic fatigue shut me down for a few months. I spent that time contemplating my future.
Several years ago, I realized my artistic future wasn't in Hawaii. A fact staring me in the face. But, for me to leave, I had to overcome two major hurdles.
The first hurdle was the internal struggle.
I would give up the only home I've ever known. Live far from friends and family. The closest destination for my plans was over 2,500 miles away. And the culture in the islands is very different from the mainland or anywhere in the world for that matter. How would I adjust to another lifestyle? Could I adjust?
My second hurdle was external factors: the timing and my health.
Even if I set my mind on venturing beyond my tiny home in the middle of the Pacific, the situation had to be right for me to leave. I previously had ties and familial responsibilities that kept me in the islands.
As time went on, circumstances changed, but my health declined. Nerve damage and chronic fatigue took their toll. Over three years of recovery, and I finally felt strong enough to consider moving from Hawaii. Then the pandemic struck. Throwing the world for a loop.

So after some soul and internet searching, the decision was made to leave the eight islands in the middle of the Pacific and move to the 9th island...Las Vegas.
The questions facing me turned from "do I leave" to "when do I leave?" Do I wait for the pandemic to pass? If I wait, what can I do creatively while I wait? Or, do I leave when it seems safe enough? I chose the second option.
When I tell people that I moved from Hawaii, I usually get one of two responses.
"Why would you want to leave Hawaii?" or, "Yeah, makes sense." It all depends on who I'm talking to. Hawaii people usually give me the latter response. Islanders understand the price of living in paradise.
Now that I'm in Las Vegas, what's next? Resuming my relationship with old friends at 3D Fuel. And starting a new relationship with LulzBot.
I'll be posting updates here on my blog and on social media with details on my sponsorships with 3D Fuel and LulzBot. Please follow me on Facebook, Twitter and Linkedin to the right. Stay tuned...
Till next time, a hui hou.