In that version of the story, an elderly childless couple wished for a son. One day, while doing their daily chores, the woman finds a giant peach floating down a stream. She brings it home to her husband.
Before they eat the peach, it splits open to reveal an infant boy inside. They see this arrival as a blessing from the gods. They raise the child as their own and name him Momotaro which translates into Peach Boy.
During this time, Japan is terrorized by Oni (demons). When Momotaro comes of age, he takes it upon himself to rid the country of the marauders. He prepares for a trip to defeat the Oni on their home island.

My armor design depicts Momotaro's origins, the animals he encounters, and his mission to defeat the Oni.
At the center of the maedate (crest) sits the peach and on either side a peach leaf. Each leaf is designed to resemble the wavy blade of the Kris knife.

The dog is represented on the shoulders. Although Momotaro meets only one dog on his journey, I opted for one on each shoulder. In this way, the sode (shoulder armor) is also reminiscent of the Fu Dogs and their appearance in pairs.
The pheasant is represented on the back. In the folktale, the pheasant would often fly ahead of the group and watch over them. The pheasant becomes a visual representation of the saying "watching your back."
There is an animal guarding each of the four directions, symbolic of the animal group and how they protected Momotaro in his fight.

In the same way, the giant Oni face on the armor would intimidate the demons on Oni Island as Momotaro and his group approach by boat.
The Oni design primarily follows the Noh theater mask renderings of the Hannya, a vengeful female demon. This section of the armor represents the vengeance Momotaro brings with him.
This design also draws inspiration from Japanese anime and manga. Influences from the 70's giant robots classics like Gaiking are reflected in the Do design.
The color white was chosen for this design for its dual association with purity and death. It was intended to portray both aspects of Momotaro's mission: the selfless nature of his journey and bringing an end to the Oni.

In the upcoming weeks, I'll be building a half-scale artist's proof. Please follow me on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook for in progress pictures and updates. The completed artist's proof will debut at the inaugural Kauai Comic Convention on July 8, 2019. Following that, I'll be constructing a full-size version of the armor.
In the meantime, check out 3D Fuel's line of 3D printing filament. For this project, I'll be using their Pro PLA line.
I would love to hear your thoughts about this design in the comments below.
Till next time, a hui hou.