The best logos are often tied to, and represent the history of a brand or person in addition to visually representing current values.
I find logos to be highly creative. As an artist, I feel it puts me in touch with the creative thoughts of the logo's designer(s). So much thought gets packed into a concise visual package. My favorite logos clearly represent a concept at a glance but under further examination reveal more meaning.
Some of the most prominent logos are the emblems on cars. I have time to look at them while sitting at a stop light. One day while driving, I pointed out to my wife the Kia "K" logo. A pretty slick and dynamic logo reminiscent of the Lexus "L" logo.
It is very unlike the typeset "KIA" in an oval logo. I had seen the "K" logo only recently and seem to see them more often. I wondered if it was a new logo for the car company.
I did a Google search and found this article explaining the relationship between the two logos.
It turns out, the KIA article was part of a series about the meaning behind a number of car logos. You can read more of them at this link. What I found engaging was not only the current meanings, but (for some) the evolution of the logo and how that ties into the brand and history of the company.
My fascination with hidden meanings in logos, carries over to my 2D and 3D designs. I incorporate symbolism or meaning into the lines in my armor designs. In fact, I try to infuse every line or set of lines in my armor sculptures with meaning, sometimes obvious, sometimes hidden.
I have designed a few company logos and I find the design process a great exercise of creativity. So much must be said with so little.
If you have a favorite logo or have any thoughts or advice on designing logos please leave a comment below.